Strict adherence to the highest standards of journalism is at the very core of RFA's mission.
Our broadcast and online stories and programs must be accurate, fair, and balanced.
A variety of ideas and opinions
We must maintain a calm, dispassionate tone and avoid polemics, propaganda, or slurs directed against any persons, groups, or governments. We will not preach or talk down to our listeners.
We must not incite listeners to violence or encourage acts of rebellion or emigration. We provide a forum for a variety of ideas and opinions.
Both online editors and broadcasters must ensure that no story that airs or that is published on the Web site is based on rumor or unsubstantiated information. Whenever possible, we must seek more than one source for a story.
We must remain independent of any political party, opposition group, exile organization, or religious body and we shall not advocate any political viewpoint.
We must clearly identify outside contributors, stating at the end of their commentaries that the opinions they express are not necessarily those of RFA.
Full credit
RFA employees may accept no gifts or free trips from news sources.
When we obtain stories from other news organizations, we will give them full credit.
When we make a mistake on the air or online, we will acknowledge the error to our listeners and visitors and issue a correction.
We must not take on work ouside of RFA that would infringe on our responsibilities to RFA. Anyone who assumes a major outside responsibility, including speeches or other public appearances related to the activities of RFA, must obtain prior clearance.
Outside contractors adhere to our standards
In gathering information for a story, our reporters will not represent themselves as anything other than RFA journalists.
We will contract some work out to individual experts, such as writers, literary critics, historians and others. In each case we will retain the right to edit their work and decide what goes on the air or the Web site. Outside contractors should adhere to our standards of journalistic ethics.***
從其他新聞單位轉載報道時, 本臺將註明出處,充分尊重原報道者。
在廣播中或網站上出現錯誤時, 我們將向聽衆或網站讀者坦承過失並予以糾正。
本臺工作人員在臺外活動中擔當主要責任時,包括出席與自由亞洲電臺相關的活動、發表講話或在其他公開場合露面, 必須事先請示電臺獲得批准。